Friday, November 15, 2013

Schedules and Conflicts and Choices

Fridays are great, being able to take the morning off for yoga class. Even more special now that evening and weekend classes compete with other things ... that I want to do but sometimes wish I could do AND take yoga classes ... are popping up more frequently.

I really enjoyed two strap-supported things that Olinka did in class yesterday, a supported Supta Baddha Konasana and then a child's pose to keep butt-to-heels connection better. Keepers for home practice!

15 classes @ AHG @ $80 each.

Yoga class hours: 60.5
Remaining: 139.5

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Yoga and Matinees

My week in Berkeley was wonderful. Yoga classes at a studio named Yoga Kula pushed me a bit harder than usual and made me a bit more confident to step it up and also enjoy my wonderful Sunday class with a favorite teacher when I got back home.

14 classes @ $85.71 each.

Yoga class hours: 58
Remaining: 142

Spending more time with B. makes me very happy, but it also makes me more tired (he has horrible insomnia and an aging dog who likes to bark at the couch at 4am) and more likely to be settled in for a cozy night at 7:30pm instead of at yoga class. I need to make going to yoga class one of those boundaries I set going into this. I knew going into this that I was doing a lot of yoga because I was sad and anxious and when i stopped being quite so sad and anxious it would decrease, but I want to keep this as a core part of my keeps me from feeling so sad and anxious!

Another decision I made on my trip: see more matinees. Or at least movies. On my trip I saw:
Spinning Plates
Inequality for All
Kill Your Darlings
Let the Fire Burn
Muscle Shoals