Thursday, August 5, 2010

Chaps and an Eyepatch

My niece is six years old and interested in Webkinz. My sister bought me a stuffed iguana so I could adopt him and play online with them too. I've spent the past month spinning the Wheel of Wow, answering quiz questions aimed at 5-year olds, making two-dimensional hamburgers, finishing lots of word games and gambling with bingo games, virtual scratch-off tickets, and slot machines. All in order to win Webkinz money that I can use to send goofy virtual gifts to my niece and sister and buy stuff for Stooges.

I'm pretty good at the word games and I am kicking ass at "Make Eleven Solitaire." It's rewarding to know that my college education has prepared me to quickly make combinations of 11.

7 + 4
3 + 8
5 + 6
6 + 3 + 2
9 + Ace + Ace
4 + 4 + 2 + Ace

With my domination of Webkinz World (not counting any games involving aiming, shooting or quickly using the arrow keys) I've been able to earn a lot of points. In addition to sending my niece virtual packets of seeds to plant in her virtual garden and my sister a tiara and a hot dog, I've been able to set Stooges up in a swinging bachelor pad. He's got a bedroom decorated like a garage with a zen bed. He's got a fridge in his kitchen that looks like a giant speaker. He has three giant TVs in his den. (Note to Webkinz Central -- your Electronics store is shamefully short of everything but TVs. I bought the only musical instrument you have, a "for decoration only" guitar, but that is it: no stereos, no keyboards, no turntables!) Best of all though, I bought Stooges a pair of chaps and an eye patch and ever since he's felt like a rock star. He can't sing or play music but that didn't matter, he looked the part. At least until the other day when my sister sent him a Carmen Miranda fruit hat.

it goes well with his eyepatch and chaps.

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