Sunday, June 27, 2010

Rock 'n Roll Never Forgets?

I've been busy and feeling pulled in a lot of directions.

Latin Paleography class.
Latin study group.
Staff training and evaluations.
A couple dumb dates.
Scraping wax build-up and scouring old kitchen floors.
Unsticking windows and ungunking pipes.
Being hot and lazy.
Out-of-town company.
Out-of-town me.
Impatiently waiting for my couch to arrive.
Artfully arranging my bocce balls into bowls.

Reading, music, relaxing, thinking, writing ... those things have all been shoved aside and I'm feeling really crabby about it. The past month has brought some great things too though... many of them culinary. The Eat to the Beat dinner was a lot of fun and the food was great. The chefs were inspired by music from London Calling and Paul Kahan was awesome. I've also gone to birthday brunch for my friend A. in the restaurant in an old library branch, gone to a Clandestino dinner (kind of like a rave for foodies), and took my sister to Jam,the new brunch spot around the corner.

1 comment:

  1. Bocce balls in bowls? That's funny! I have pool balls...
