Wednesday, March 10, 2010


My friend J. has a hard time buying bunches of fresh cilantro, even when she's making curry, because she hates to waste the remaining bunch. I'm one of those people who loves cilantro and can't imagine not finding another use for the leftovers -- chop it up and put it on avocado, add some to salad, put on scrambled eggs, make a quick pesto and make a cheesy toast sandwich. I've got her hang up with parsley though, I could fill a barn with all the bad parsley I've tossed in my lifetime.

Even though I waste all sorts of money all the time, the thought of wasting $.75 on certain things will drive me crazy. If I determine a reasonable price for something and find that it actually costs more, I will put the purchase off forever, sometimes spending more in the process.

I've had three books on my "want to read" list for the past month but I have not purchased or ILL'ed them yet. Best Music Writing 2009, available for less than $4 on Amazon but every time I think of it, I don't feel like waiting for it (!) and want to just go over to Borders at lunch and buy it for $15. But that now is way too much and I feel like I should wait until I have enough credit card points to get an Amazon gift certificate and get the cheap one. And now it is March 2010 and I have not yet read the Best Music Writing of 2009.

I also want to pick up these two. Ozzy I should just ILL but David Bowie I should have in my personal library.

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