Saturday, February 6, 2010

David Bowie

Tonight has been designated as the offical Labyrinth watching night by several of my friends around the country. Two of us have never seen it before, a strange number of people appear to be obsessed with it, at least one has never seen it and never wants to. Those that are obsessed with it are a bit younger than me -- I'm guessing they are the same generation of girls who memorized lines from The Princess Bride and watched that 100 times. I was a bit too old for the girlish fixation with those movies when they were released. My friend J., the Labyrinth Refuser, tends not to like the fantasy worlds or sci-fi type movies. She loves jars of eyeballs and zombies though so she might be watching B-list horror tonight instead.

I don't have strong feeling about the movie but feel there is a gap in my David Bowie knowledge. I absolutely hated Requiem for a Dream though, but I won't hold that against Jennifer Connelly. Her performance was not the source of loathing for the movie.

I'm excited.


  1. I lasted maybe 5 minutes with Requiem for a Dream. Ick.

    I'm thinking Xanadu Night next month ...

  2. I don't think I'll be able to handle Xanadu unless I get to watch with the volume off and can close my eyes during the scary parts.

  3. That was pretty awful. David Bowie, as usual, is great at weirdo cool. But the music was horrible, I can't stand Muppet movies, and Jenifer Connelly is a horrible actress.

    I'm going to spend the rest of my life trying to erase from my mind the image of David Bowie dancing around with Muppets and that baby to that cheesy song.

  4. Xanadu? What no rollerskating muses for you?
