Saturday, December 12, 2009

eel cookies

Since I've been called out for not providing an actual picture of the eel cookies, here they are. I don't know how to post an image in a comment so I'm making a special post for it.

Also, I've decided that the word "eel" looks funny when capitalized.


From now on, no matter where it is in a sentence or title, I'm going all lower case.

I should also come clean and admit that I did NOT eat the eel pie last night after Mamet. I was feeling all snuggly and warm and ready for bed and I made hot chocolate. I knew my friend P. would be distressed at the thought of me mixing seafood and dairy, so I put the snack on hold.


  1. don't know who took this (you?) but i like it as much as the pro stuff. background is very pleasing--goes nicely with the label color and whatever that is going on around your collar.

  2. I took that one in the bathroom mirror and cropped out the towel bar! Funny pose dictated by having to take the pic with my other hand; red nose and cheeks provided by below freezing weather and glasses of wine at work holiday party.

    I'm guessing "anonymous" is C. and you are finding the goofy aspect of that shot more in line with my personality than the "edgy/tough" of some of the pro stuff.

  3. It tastes nothing like seafood, I swear. Just have a cookie already.

  4. Watch out - the cookies are trying to eat you!
