Saturday, October 8, 2011

Spendy Saturday and a Long and Chatty Post

Another amazing weather day in Chicago, a little bit spendy and more than a little bit high calorie for me, but it is Saturday!

The day started with a late and long breakfast at Hollywood Grill, a local diner that I have never gone too. My friend B. was treating and I got an overpriced pot of tea and the corned beef hash plate. Eggs sunnyside up and a side of rye toast.

B. got something called the 2222 which came with 2 of just about everything. He has likely experienced a large amount of gastric distress all day. I know that by the time I walked down the street and passed my favorite brew pub, I felt the need to stop in and use the ladies' room. And while I was there ....

Two beers and a delightful 90 minutes spent working on my story for class and then home for a call to my sister and a nap in front of an open, breezy window. At 6 o'clock I met Amy at Myopic Books. I bought Edgar Allen Poe for book club, two City Lights editions of Sam Shepard, and two cheesy mystery novels in the British detective style by authors I do not know. One of those may join me on the porch tomorrow.

Sam Shepard is one of my favorites and while I was at the counter paying, I saw an ad for a special screening on Monday for Blackthorn. I can't see it Monday (I want to go to 2nd Story at Webster's Wine Bar) but I will see it another night. I love bandit movies.

I was also struck by the opening quote in Fool for Love, before the cast of characters is listed and the play begins.

"The proper response to love is to accept it. There is nothing to do." -- Archbishop Anthony Bloom.

I call bullshit on that one.
Sometimes, something needs to be done.

My interest in reading the play is stirred though. The back of the book description says "In a seedy motel on the edge of the Mojave Desert, transient lovers May and Eddie spin around the room in a relentless struggle for power and truth. Through recollections and dreams, multiple versions of a fierce and fatal love story are told."

All bets favor that Eddie and May aren't dreaming about raspberry chewy candy.

After shopping, Amy and I stopped at Thai Village for dinner and we had breaded and fried sweet potatoes and I ordered the Pad Se Ewe and a Sapporo. Total damage to my pocket book from food, drink and tips today: $41

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